Thursday, December 1, 2011

Eat a Red Apple Day and Start the Advent Calendar!

It snowed this morning!  I love snow in small doses because it makes everything seem so clean and bright. Looking forward to having chili for dinner, sitting in front of the fireplace and waiting for more snow to fall. 

Today is eat a red apple day so am doing my part by eating a Washington State grown apple.  Growing up we had three apple trees, so I am partial to the green apples but a red one now and then is fun too.  Maybe I will make some apple crisp to have after the chili dinner.  Sounds good doesn't it?

Being December 1, today is the day to start the countdown to Christmas.  Here is a Norwegian way to countdown the days.  A small treat should go in each little shoe. 

Hope you have great day!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Raining!

Now it really seems like Autumn since it has rained for the last two days.  Fun to be able to sit down to a nice warm apple tart and a hot cup of tea!

Welcome to my house, Oma

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Autumn is here!!

According to the calendar it has been Autumn for over a week now.  Autumn is the time where all the summer things are put away and one prepares for cooler weather.  I always have a hard time giving up my ice tea and switching to hot tea but when I see my pretty teacups it makes the transistion easier.

I have been reading a series of books by Susan Wiggs called The Lakeshore Chronicles.  My sister gave me the first book "Summer at Willow Lake" and I enjoyed it so much that I rushed to the library to get the next "The Winter Lodge".  Now on to the third book "Dockside" and cannot read fast enough to find out how all the characters are progressing in the storyline.  Susan Wiggs writes about real life situations such as house fires where everything is lost, but those situations show people do continue on to find happiness in life.  If you are looking for a nice book to curl up with try reading her books.

Welcome to Oma's House and I hope you will enjoy your visits with me.